Check out some of the frequently asked questions before you open a case.
If you see the error-443. 403, or 404 to "go Back to the Start"
Check that the website is correct in the address bar, remember that the website is
Error 431 or the Header is too Large
Close all of the tabs you have open in your web browser and try to access the Flash the Academy once again.
I sent a password reset, but it did not come
After requesting a password reset, please check your inbox, sapm, quarantine or junk e-mail from your account to the e-mail to make the process of resetting your password.
How to put your website on the home screen of my mobile device?
Click on settings in the top right corner of your browser (the three dots) and then click on the “Add to Home Screen”
The videos that give so much to me
Always check to see if your internet connection is a good thing, to prevent instability, when viewing certain content.